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Philly UNderdogstuff Dream. And Three Questions For You.


Hello and thank you for being part of the UNderdogstuff® collective.



Sometimes dreams take so long you start to wonder if they will ever happen. And then...

You get to tell your 10-year-old self, that Philly kid that had a dream, that it is finally happening. A live show in my hometown is coming May 2020! Philly keeps finding ways to let me know I’m back home and back where I’m supposed to be. The show’s description is below and I got some questions for you too.

“Welcome to the new UNderdogstuff Mixtape Series live show and podcast. The show features the hottest local UNderground entrepreneurs, activists, and educators. Rapping (well, not really rapping, unless they want to) about community, culture, and capital. Each mini-episode explores the life hacks and real-life experiences that help Philly Underdogs remix their well-being and wealth.

The live show will be on my YouTube Live and Facebook Live (Search "Gregory Nesmith"). The podcast will be published the next day on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, and UNderdogstuff.com.


I got three questions for you so we can build this show together. Please your thoughts on one, two, or all three of them.

1. When do you want to virtually hang out in-studio with me to see the behind the scenes of a live show or participate in an on-air conversation segment?

2. What guests would you recommend for the show? Ideal guests: entrepreneurs, investors, community activists, or educators with a connection to Philly. And they enjoy sharing their expertise and personal experiences.

3. Who do you know that would want to be a weekly volunteer Producer of the show? Each week we would plan the topics and guests for the show. And the Producer would help with interacting with the audience on social media during the live show too.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” -African Proverb. Let’s explore together how Philly Underdogs can remix our wellbeing and wealth.

Let’s go on this journey together!



Written by Gregory Nesmith, CPC, ELI-MP, Founder of UNderdogstuff, Philly native, Community Relations Director & Entrepreneurship Mentor at Bridges To Wealth, member of the Penn Venture Lab Incubator, and recent Wharton School alum.

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