UNderdogstuff Culture X Capital

A social impact venture working toward every underdog having access to opportunities to build wealth. The journey starts in Philly. You can get email updates about UNderdogstuff here: .

Vision: Every underdog gets to S.E.E. (Socially, Economically, Educationally) wealth. We are a global community of underdogs that are working together, investing together, learning together, and growing together. It's a culture of community connection fueled by community capital. Culture X Capital

Founder: Gregory Nesmith, Philly native, social entrepreneur, community advocate, award-winning marketer, and passionate about all things UNderdogstuff. Additionally, Venture Lab at Wharton accelerator program VIP-X Fall 2020 Cohort.

Purpose: Provide every underdog with access to opportunities to build wealth.

Why Wealth?: “Wealth is a crucially important measure of economic health. Wealth allows families to transfer income earned in the past to meet spending demands in the future, such as by building up savings to finance a child’s college education. Wealth also provides a buffer of economic security against periods of unemployment, or risk-taking, like starting a business. And wealth is needed to finance a comfortable retirement or provide an inheritance to children. In order to construct wealth, a number of building blocks are required. Steady well-paid employment during one’s working life is important, as it allows for a decent standard of living plus the ability to save. Also, access to well-functioning financial markets that provide a healthy rate of return on savings without undue risks is crucial.” Source: Economic Policy Institute

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